Engineering method

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The engineering method is a practical method for solving problems that underpins the practice of engineering in all its various fields. It can be compared to the more well-known scientific method, which exists to answer questions empirically. While there is no single definitive method that is unanimously agreed upon, the following definition serves as a universal baseline.

Engineering Scientific
What is the problem in the system?
What is the observation that remains unexplained?
These are the fundamental questions when beginning the method. A concise explanation of the goal is required before attempting to achieve it.
What is the most likely cause of the problem?
What is the most likely answer to the question?
These questions lead to a justification. They identify the cause of the problem or the result of experimentation, but more importantly it primes an explanation of why this is likely to be. In engineering this lays out a path to solve the problem, and in science it lays out a path for experimentation.
How can you implement a possible solution?
How can you conduct an empirical experiment?
Upon completion, these questions lead to a result. If this result matches the defined prediction and justification, we may end here. If not, we need to repeat this and the previous step, revising our model and iterating.