Psychoengineering: Difference between revisions

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* Useful for perceptual, physical knowledge
* Automatically driven by similarity and association
* Prone to [[judgement|judgementscognitive distortions]]
* Slow and sequential
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There are 4 key obstacles to achieving the synthetic mind, organized by approximate priority. All of these components of well-being should be improved simultaneously, but it is important to note that elements at the base are typically more capable of overwhelming the synthetic mind.
'''[[Neurochemistry]]''': Chemistry of individual neurons, determined genetically, which can significantly alter [[hedonic baseline]]. Monoamine transmitters [[w:serotoninmonoaminergic|serotoninMonoaminergic]], [[w:dopaminegabaergic|dopamineGABAergic]], and [[w:norepinephrineglutamatergic|norepinephrineglutamatergic]] systems are heavilystrongly implicated in depression<ref>{{harvnb|Kaltenboeck|Harmer|2018|p=1}}</ref> and anxiety<ref>{{harvnb|Martin|Ressler|Binder|Nemeroff|2009|pp=1-3}}</ref>. Treatment: [[w:psychopharmaceutical|psychopharmeceuticals]].
'''[[Somatic state]]''': Conditions like sleep deprivation<ref>{{harvnb|Harrison|Horne|2000}}</ref>, loneliness<ref>{{harvnb|Şimşek|Koçak|Younis|2021}}</ref>, and distress<ref>{{harvnb|Jung|Wranke|Hamburger|Knauff|2014}}</ref> can negatively affect logical decision making. Masicampo and Baumeister observed that drinking lemonade with sugar as opposed to an artificial sweetener after an energy-depleting self-control task increased rule-based decision making<ref>{{harvnb|Masicampo|Baumeister|2008}}</ref>. Treatment: [[somatic management]].
[[Somatic state]]:
Solving the physiological is key to improvement, but we also need to correct our [[bugs]] (behaviors we would like to stop) reinforced by time spent in an ineffective physiological state.
'''[[Emotional state]]''':
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* {{Evans & Stanovich, 2013}}
* {{Friedman & Robbins, 2021}}
* {{Harrison & Horne, 2000}}
* {{Jung et al., 2014}}
* {{Kahneman, 2011}}
* {{Kaltenboeck & Harmer, 2018}}
* {{Lieberman, 2003}}
* {{Linehan & Dimeff, 2001}}
* {{Martin et al., 2009}}
* {{Masicampo & Baumeister, 2008}}
* {{Ramezanpour & Fallah, 2022}}
* {{Roozendaal et al., 2009}}
* {{Schacter et al., 2020}}
* {{Şimşek et al., 2021}}