Psychoengineering: Difference between revisions

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== Obstacles to achieving synthetic mind ==
<div style="display: flex; justify-contentwidth: space-evenly;100%">
{{#mermaid:flowchart TB
neurochemistry[<a href=''><b>Neurochemistry</b></a>] --> somaticstate
somaticstate[<a href=''><b>Somatic state</b></a>] --> emotionalstate
emotionalstate[<a href=''><b>Emotional state</b></a>] --> perspective
perspective[<a href=''><b>Perspective</b></a>]
subgraph physical
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config.theme = neutral
config.flowchart.curvefontFamily = linearsans-serif
<div style="margin-left: 1em;">
There are 4 key obstacles to achieving the synthetic mind, organized by approximate priority.
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width: 100%;
overflow: visible;
transform: translateX(25%);